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Restaurants use up to 5-7 times more energy per square foot than other commercial buildings.
Restaurants use 1/3rd of all electricity in the retail sector.
Food preparation consumes the most amount of energy in a restaurant.

Energy Star appliances are 30-40% more efficient than conventional models.
LEDs use up to 90% less energy, last longer, contain no mercury, and emit fewer greenhouse gases than incandescent bulbs.
Occupancy sensors can reduce energy usage by an estimated 60%.

Strip curtains could save enough energy to power a residential home for one year.

Programmable thermostat can help reduce energy. Energy use falls by 4 to 5 percent for every degree that you raise your cooling thermostat setpoint.
Tackle the small, but effective steps first, such as the suggestions above
Give incentives for employees to carpool, bike, or use public transportation to get to work
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