Have you seen masks everywhere? On the sidewalk, parking lots, streets, storefronts? Have you seen gloves? We can all be safe and protect ourselves and each other, while also taking care of future generations by mitigating the negative effect of all of these disposables. Did you know that there are gloves available that are made from commercially compostable material? The GRA can set up glove recycling for conventional disposable gloves at restaurants? There are many options for reusable masks, which can also be made from organic material or post-consumer-recycled waste material.
Have we all been washing our hands more than ever? You don't have to choose between pandemic safety and environmental safety. You can use effective green hand soaps, general cleaning chemicals, and even hand sanitizers. See GRA's green chemical standards or contact us
to guide you on the way to safe and green chemicals.
Don't forget to use QR codes at the table for your menus. This creates a touchless menu that saves you money, is safer for customers, and reduces the need for disposable menus.